0 The Fool
0 The Fool
aka The bliss beckoner
Pink Petals + Ripe Tomatoes
The Fool buys pink roses for his beloved coin Zero and realizes that he must pay the flower grower with his beloved coin Zero. In so doing he accepts the delicately beautiful pink roses and hands over his ego and his soul to the flower grower.
The Fool flicks the coin to the grower as his nose buries into the rose, sucking him into its sweet well of aroma, a pleasure portal awaits. The grower glances down at the coin spinning on its edge in his palm, the essence and balance of the Fool beginning their journey, when he looks up again, The Fool and his dog are entering the rose lips, “Thank you for holding my beloved coin, thank you for this bliss!” Tail wagging, bliss laughter circling them both as they step closer to the edge of the petal precipice.
“ugh, alright. See ya!” the grower waves as the Fool and the flower disappears with a rainbow bubble pop, away from the here and now and down the rabbit hole realm of self actualization. The grower thinks maybe a tomato sandwich for lunch, as he places the still spinning coin on the counter top, yes, a tommy sammy indeed.
I like to think of the fool as a two sided coin, the young fool and the old fool. The young one enters the flower flow with spontaneity, innocence and wonder, the old one stays home to make the tomato sandwiches responsibly, a bit of fear of the unknown, more cautious. Both have their time and place and serve the self through transition, which one is calling to you?
“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. ”
Know this
You feel that need for more? The need to go, experience, do, risk, LIVE? That is The Fool bliss beckoning you! Heed the call and know your calling. It is okay to be at home everywhere and nowhere, to wear multiple hats, to make connections and plant roots, to wander towards wonder. Get off the treadmill and run wild and free through the woods that whistle your name, dive deep into the volcanic lake that connects you to source. You are brave enough, your life invites you to live it. welcome to the first day of the rest of your life sweet wanderer!
Plant ally: pink roses, ranunculus or lisianthus
Crystal ally: Bumblebee Jasper
Dating The Fool: Take a hike to a scenic overlook, bring your familiar and/or your favorite beverage, dance on the precipice! Notice what scares you, what is holding you back, what is calling you forth? Say these things aloud into the sky. Welcome the newness, the view, your wonder!
In this series I will be devoting a post to each of the 78 cards and their individual magick.