Hello and welcome from the depths of my stardust heart! I am Banditi, with the given name Kennedy. I use she/her/they pronouns. Here's the deal lovers, I am a package deal, a Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius. I'm all over the place and all in love, and all kinds of bananas (now I want to look up different varieties of bananas...wow, who knew).
I first and foremost am a tarot card slinger and ritual design artist and on magickal days, I get to combine both these things to inspire the kindred (maybe future you!) to ritualize their lives and accomplish their dreams!
About six years ago, I started creating my own tarot deck through collage. Along with it I would write a page to host its accompanying description, then about three years ago I started to hear a story coming through the cards. I started listening and writing it. I am excited to share bits of that story here!
There is this weird thing with tarot card readers where they usually end up being tarot card creators because of this beautiful relationship that develops when you start to take the tarot journey. I am rambling now, but it is kind of important to the about thing. Creating these cards and this story has me in relationship with myself, as above so below, and when I am in healthy relationship to myself, which is a part of this universe (ikr!), I can really show up for the folks who sit down for readings.
This space will function as a landing spot for meow, for you to get in touch with me and where I will be putting some of my writing, projects, collaborative projects, and general wildings. Book a reading here.
Things like synchronicity, herbalism, flower essence magick, polyamory, pleasure activism, post traumatic growth, storytelling and play as ritual + much more will run wild here!
If any of these topics resonate with you, welcome dear honeysuckle heart, I look forward to connecting with you swirling, glowing, dancer of Earth! And so...it is.
“There is a seat for you at the table.”
Why Bliss?
Because it is YOUR right to know pleasure in this life, to witness, live and roll around in your feelings and your body. The world we live in now teaches us how to disembody, dissociate and protect ourselves, which are all smart ways to survive in a framework that is not ideal, especially for the oppressed. Now, Bliss is not just pure ignited happiness all the time, I believe it is a spectrum where all feelings exist to help us grow, self actualize, and be the best earth loving versions of ourselves. I am leaning into the the upswing of the bliss spectrum in my readings because I want to inspire you to live your wildest dreams and remind you of how small moments of bliss guide you to your heart’s center!
Wander towards wonder…
The Life Show.
Storytelling through tarot readings, cards, through the collective howl are political acts. People need stories, not just escape stories, but ones that they see themselves in, ones that offer reflection and empathy, the use of solidarity and humor, of interconnectedness.
“...it has become fashionable to separate the spiritual (psychic and emotional) from the political, to see them as contradictory or antithetical. ‘What do you mean, a poetic revolutionary, a meditating gunrunner?’”
Create, envision, laugh, mirror, make the future a place of wonder not fear. Wonderment includes collaborative efforts for creative expression, visions of a playful and bliss filled future, and laughter to keep the spirits uplifted for the duration of the life show.
You matter, I love you.
Spirit energy is a gold thread that runs from each of our hearts and tangles all over the earth, creating a glimmering web. That web is what holds us, encourages us and keeps us grounded, even more, dare I say-- than gravity.