I Had Pizza With A Tarot Star

“Yes, I love pizza. Pizza sounds great!” I eagerly agree to meet up with Tarot legend, Dana Bellings,* creator and priestess of one of the first feminist decks from the Return to the Goddess culture of the late twentieth century. Her deck was my mom’s very first one, and when I started to learn the craft, my mom gifted me the same deck.

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Leaves fall, Steam rises

“Let's take a break,” she says. I look up from my anatomy homework. “Let's go to the pound for a study break.” And that is how I met Atlas, quit school, my job, met my partner, bought a camper, quit society, and pivoted off the path so compacted with footfalls, it is an erosion nightmare mudslide in rainy season.

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“Good god Sal, did ya even put ANY sunscreen on today?” The bartender who we are realizing has a bit of a-judgy, but because I care about my regulars kind of way-attitude inquires as Sal saunters back into the bar with his girlfriends now. “Jesus Henry, dont embarrass me in front of my lady company.”

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