The 78 cards of Tarot

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The Caravan Tarot

Getting to know you!

So we are going on a journey. I mean, we are already on a journey, and now we get to use these incredibly magical images to reflect and help us grow and reach our most necessary earthly potential! Welcome to The Caravan Tarot series, based on my sweet little fantasy collaged deck, offering terrifyingly huge questions and comforting hand holding as we begin to work with the Tarot as calling, as play, as medicinal storytelling.

In this series I will be devoting a post to each of the 78 cards and their individual magick. Starting with the Major, moving to the minor and finishing with the court:

Major Arcana= These tend to work with archetypal energies, the foundations of growth embodied.

Minor Arcana= These tend to work with situational medicine, as humans tend to find themselves in story, in situation, and these cards mirror those life experiences.

Court Cards= These tend to be characteristics or traits of the querent and depending on other cards present in the reading, can represent other actual people in the querent's life. (eg. The page of cups could be your spritely child delivering a message or The King of Swords could be your incredibly intellectual spouse blocking your creative energy.)

What to expect

  • The Caravan Tarot card image alongside the RWS card created by Pamela Coleman Smith. The RWS is the deck I learned to read with and has some of the most iconic illustration in the tarot world.

  • A small story inspired by The Caravan imagery, expressing what I feel is its essence. I think hearing a story is much more useful than just reading some key words and a blurb about what a card means. By no means is this the only meaning of the card and perhaps won't resonate with you at all, I invite you to consider that an opportunity to develop your own relationship with that card.

  • Also, a small blurb…lolz

  • Invitations:

    • A plant ally and a crystal ally for the card (these are intuited not historical relationships, another invitation for you to also find what feels connected for you!)

    • Some playful ways to connect ritually with each card, I call this dating the card!

A note on reversals

I tend to read reversed cards as an amplification of the energy of the card, as the opposite of the energy of the card, or as a completely different aspect of the theme being called forth. The interpretation has to do with what other cards present themselves in a reading. It is useful to note reversal meanings, but not necessary, as you will feel out the edges of its meaning by developing relationship to the essence of the card being explored.

Thank you for finding your way to this blog project. I hope that you can take something special away from this series, maybe a little deeper understanding of the cards, and if nothing else, a little story time. Blessings Earth dancers! Excited to share and continue the journey with you, let the travels begin!



*A note on sharing

Please credit me or link to original post if you feel compelled to share sweet sycamores!