Mullein Flower Essence
- A mullein blossom essence, soaked in spring storm water under a full moon.
When to take: When you want to add some light to the encroaching night. When you are surrounded by shadow and need a reminder that, perhaps, you are the dancing light. When you have forgotten your spiritual inner spark leads the way, and that it is safe and purposeful to trust it.
Intention: To remember the candle melts and slants, the mullein falls or bends under wind stress and yet it still erects and blooms from its scoliastic stance. You too, are not done blooming because you've been bent into uncomfortable positions. Your inner light travels through smoke and shadow to magically ignite the flame of your creative purpose here on Earth. Believe me you have one, and I think it has to do with shining a light on some shadow, grieving whats lost through the lungs, glistening in the sunlight and showing up to your path with gusto and trust.
“I listen to my inner spirit, I let them guide me.”
“My passion for living is sensually and spiritually sound.”
“I shine brightest through shadows, they enhance my ability to glow.”
Created: Wednesday May 26, 2021.
Astrology: Full Moon in Sagittarius, lunar eclipse, sun in Gemini.
Witches present: Merry Pachinko
Witches present in spirit: Amanda Yates-Garcia's full moon circle
Witches present in DNA: All our ancestors & ansistars
Spirits present: The French Candlestick Lumiére & Glisten
Tarot card association: V The Hierophant
The Ritual: Collected five mullein blossoms from the lake garden to honor the inner hierophant (who turns out to be quite the sweet innocent inner pagan devil!).
I Let spirit guide my activities for the day, painted an altar piece, sketched in my notebook, meditated and a black door with a red die held pleasure behind it. My grandmother ballroom danced with the stars as I ate strawberries in my crow form on the moon.
I dreamt a phrase, “double satan side, the fatherside is underside.” Ominous, just like a lunar eclipse. I do believe our darkest experiences offer us the chance to shine our brightest light, post traumatic growth, if you will. I do believe it was this blossom that wanted to be worked with at this astrological moment for a reason. Some folks say not to make potions on eclipses, and I respect that and also know when a medicine is calling me, I will listen to that too.
When pouring the mother I kept thinking about Lumiére from Beauty and the Beast, my childhood bedroom was decorated in this Disney theme. That candlestick was so devilishly enticing to me, even as a young child! Kissing the broomstick and ticking the clock with flame as he smirked, courting Belle with his gravelly french accent...oh yes, this is the sensual energy of the pagan spiritual practice, the hierophant in his most interconnected and elemental form! Date and court your spiritual path like Lumiere, let his flirtiness and attraction guide you towards your sacred pleasure, your own flame for life.
Open circle. Blessed Be.
*Contact me if you would like a vile of this potion! All essences are $15, shipping included. Note: my creations are not approved by any association lol. I do take care to sterilize and use a high proof alcohol for these potions though! xo