II The High Priestess
aka The Birth Card
Mimosa blooms + Altered States
The river is flowing clear and crystal beside me. Mimosa trees flood down the mountain rushing towards the river, stopping just at its edge, propitiating pink puffs of Dr. Seuss blooms. I smile at them as they tickle the wind blowing through them. The sky is echinacea mauve with setting sun.
I dunk my water pail, collecting the water that I need, an offering to the sacred water flowing through me. My body, the altar and portal. My being, the powerful realm of life create. The midwives walk me into the river between contractions, my partners tend the ceremonial fire on the bank. My naked body safe in the arms of nature and protective kindred.
I whisper to my body with each contraction,
“I trust you. You are ancient and knowing. May the flow of the river and the deep diving roots of the mimosa tree establish strength in this time between worlds, fluttering through the pages of the book of secrets.”
It comes in fits and rides on breath like a dolphin in a wave but I get through the mantra.
“Blessed be.”
I hear sung back to me each time from all sides including within after each wave of welcome.
Birthing a human, a project, a home, a new world is the work of the High Priestess. It is trusting your unconscious to lead the way, to step into a world between worlds and know that your body (including your mind) is built to support you. All of the doubt and second guessing is social conditioning to take away your power. It is hard to remember this strength, but with the help and guidance of the High Priestess, your inner knowing will blossom into the most magnificent creations!
“In becoming our own priestesses we get in touch with our internal imagery, our hidden garden of intuition.”
The Feminine is powerful and wonderful. Hone in and love on your sensitive feelings, they are your intuition speaking from your inner oasis. You are beautiful and mighty in the quiet, listening way. Go experience life in order to understand why our feet walk this planet. You are sacred, you are whole, you are holy.
Plant Ally: Echinacea
Crystal Ally: Tiger's Eye
Dating The High Priestess: I invite you to go to a flowing body of water and swim in it or get your feet wet at least! Write the mantra from the story above and read it aloud in the river. If you have a tiger's eye crystal, bring it with to cleanse in the water with you. Bring a thermos of echinacea tea and sip it while enjoying being in nature, your most magical, mysterious home.