X Wheel of Fortune
All the world is VEGAS when the wheel of fortune turns up!
Hi! If you are new here, WELCOME! I am so happy you happened upon my weird little misty corner of the intuitive tarot world. I recommend you start with the Intro to The Caravan Tarot post to get your bearings before swimming in the fish bowl of fortune here. Or not! It’s all invitations here. xo.
Crystal ally: Moldavite
The wheel of fortune takes place in the clouds and beyond, like moldavite. We don’t know a lot. And that is okay. Use moldavite as a reminder of all the parallel universes and galaxies coexisting right now.
Plant ally: Lavender
Finding center at every position on the wheel is an invitation to peace. Lavender is known to bring feelings of calm and serenity to the mind and body. Invitation to make a yoga mat spray or diffuse it for relaxation.
Animal ally: Goldfish, butterflies, and your angels.
Go look at the fish in a pet store, consider adopting one. Look for butterflies or angel feathers on a walk. If you see a Blue tailed skink consider saying a prayer to mystery.
Dating Wheel of Fortune: Make an altar to Fortuna, then go buy a lottery ticket.
The wheel reminds us that change is gawd. It can feel like dying, changing the laundry from the washer to the dryer, or like winning the lottery. Why not see how you deal with change? I mean gawd.
Upright: Found a soulmate, fate, good luck, destiny, fortune, change, adaptability, felicity.
Reversed: Upheaval, ill fortune, bad surprises, stuck in a rut, wheel’s spinning.
card analysis
Anubis and Aphrodite protect and travel with the goldfish bowl as four holographic butterflies usher their flotilla through outer space. We and our earth are the goldfish bowl, A and A represent our gods and the butterflies, our angels.
The wheel of fortune reminds us that to abandon interconnectedness and ignore eternal law (birth, death, rebirth) might feel like “bad luck” but when we note the patterns and honor the interconnects we feel “good luck.” Reality is perspective.
Anubis = The Egyptian God of the afterlife. The welcoming committee for the afterlife. Half human/jackal. With every death comes rebirth.
One man’s trash is another man’s responsibility
Anubis is dumpster diving on a wednesday in July and finds a pallet of tupperwared goldfish half out of water. She holds her breath like a free diver, because of the stench of capitalism but also in solidarity with the thrown away fish.
Why would anyone throw away gold?
Anubis calls Horus, the loyalist of her friends. A Real Golden Retriever to come rescue the pallet of goldfish. So she can move on to the aldi dumpster before sunrise, so the household has something to eat come morning.
On her walk home a ping comes from her phone, The goldfish are finding loving homes, she calls Horus, “save me the goldest boy please.” And so it was, that the golden gods spun the wheel for the goldenfish and even when the world was burning.
First piece no day glo and still love it! If you look close you can peep my magic name this year…
Wheel of Fortune in a love reading
A person will roll into your life from an unexpected direction. The wheel of fortune is the cosmic matchmaker in a love reading, requesting you remain open to partners from different environments or backgrounds.
If you are currently in a relationship the wheel showing up could mean you are fatefully matched, and if the relationship is in question, it might be time to move on.
Like all interpretations, the best reading is the one that mirrors the querent's intuitions. Even if you as the reader see toxicity all over the table, but the querent wants to stay in the dynamic, it is not your job to judge her fortune but to align it with where she is at. Gently offering perspective on her potential and rituals and invitations of how to feel present for whatever is coming up.
Sphinxes on the wheel and guarding the chariot
I can't help but wonder about the connection between the sphinxes guarding the chariot and the blue sphinx fixed atop the wheel of fortune in the RWS deck. What is this relationship?
If we think about how some read the ‘legs' of the hero's journey, things start to get a little trippy come the 10th card.
The second leg of the journey is considered “subconscious development” (pretty sure this is Jungian theory lol, it is unknown who started applying joseph campbell's jawnt to the tarot). The second leg starts with the chariot and ends with death and the wheel of fortune is right in the middle. Almost like the chariot crashed and the hero is concussed and seeing things in the sky, their angels, demons, and gawds.
In the chariot we are still grounded in a shared reality of physical relatability, a person in a vehicle, there is grass and castles in the background. Three cards down the road, the wheel goes airborne girl. There are golden creatures reading books and ancient messages inscribed on a red wheel.
We might look to the blue sphinx as an anchor here, one familiar symbol in a world spinning ever into the aether. An unreliable anchor as the sphinx generally symbolizes mystery and riddle but also protects sacred sites. Perhaps encouraging us to trust the mystery and know that our journey will be protected no matter what happens in this life.
A real “sphinx take the wheel” moment. There is surrender and trust and acceptance. There is escapism and there is formal letting go and letting gawd. Almost like the hero's first psychedelic experience.
To propel us towards Justice, the next card of the major arcana, the blue sphinx holds the sword of justice on the RWS wheel. Perhaps a throughline to follow, that the “gods” will wield fate with some sense of judiciality.
know this
There is always someone whose water is running low, whom you can offer a top of to. There are many roles to play on this card, hopefully the person with the pitcher will be kind when you are empty too. We can’t control that, only to not become resentful when others forget the golden rule.
A tarot friend replied, “what center?” when I asked how she finds center upon pulling the wheel and if that isn't just the state of the collective conscious, idk what is. It is okay to feel chaos and not be the point of a needle. Enjoy what you can, stay in your lane and keep your energy bubbular. The wheel will keep rolling just like you.
“We cannot control the wheel but we can control our response to its spinning. ”